Download Guide Version A

Straight forward instructions with no fluff or additional important education.

Sections Below:

1) Introduction and Comments

2) Written Instructions

3) Video Instructions - Learn to Download the Files, Connect, Authorize and Copy with Instructional Videos and a Flow Chart for the Process. Total video time is about 18 minutes.

4) Video Instructions - Watch this process with only a few minor shortcuts and minor commentary in 7:49.

1) Introduction and Comments

This page contains written and video step by step instructions for 1) "downloading" (making a copy of) the ZAP Bookkeeping Template and 2) downloading the Unbound Google Script Project and connecting it to your File Template for full functionality (if desired).

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you already have a fully functional copy of the Bookkeeping Template and you are just upgrading for a new template, try to reuse the DIY Library already on your Google Drive. If you find something is not up to date in that you can try to just copy in any new scripts as opposed to downloading the entire file again. If you download the entire file each time you will need to start tracking which copy is connected to which files by adding some date codes to the file names.

To complete this process as described in the written instructions and/or videos below, you need a Gmail or Google Account and it is best to be logged into a Google Chrome Web Browser at the Browser level.

  1. If you have a Gmail / Google Account but you aren't logged into your Chrome Browser and don't know what that means, you can either just continue with the steps and follow googles prompts to get the templates downloaded OR seek instructions to log into the Google Chrome Browser to simplify this and mimic our instructions.. There is information related to Gmail and Google Accounts and logging in at the browser level education at Technology 103 section of

  2. Alternatively, if you don't have a Gmal/Google Account or you just want a static spreadsheet copy in xlsx format, when you open the Bookkeeping Template File from the link at the landing page on the website, you can select File > Download > Microsoft xlsx . Note you will not be able to get the scripting functionality that enhances file performance to work. See this full website for more details on what you will and won't get.

2) Written Instructions

Many of us prefer the written instructions as opposed to the videos for long term reference. These are in google Doc format. Make your own copy and make notes in them.

3) Learn to Download the Files, Connect, Authorize and Copy with a flow Chart and Instructional Videos for the Process

This flow chart outlines the process for downloading files and connecting the Google Script Project to the File Template for use as a 'scripting library" to enhance the file functionality. This chart has "numbered bubbles" on it to tell you the order of the steps for this process as it's not quite linear. The videos on the right use the flow chart as a guide through the process. The first video covers numbered bubbles 1-11. The second video covers numbered bubbles 12-19. These videos together are just under 18 minutes of procedural education. Below these videos is an example of the process being done in under 8 minutes. Version B of the instructions shows this same process done at full speed, with little commentary in about 5 minutes.

Please see live link below for the current version of this and to print it.

if you can't print from the live link above this pdf version was created 8/12/2021.

8:39 -- Numbered Circles 1-11

9:11 - Numbered Circles 12-18

4) Watch the process with only a few minor shortcuts in 7:49.

This video was made a few weeks after those above. The Master Template went through a signficant change and I wanted the newer copy on the machine for making more videos. so I decided to redownload the template.

So, this is the same process as above with very little commentary for you. I just talk my way through it with myself and the flow chart as my guide. I already had the unbound Google Script on my machine so that part I skipped but he rest is here.

This is a really great way to see this entire download process in real time by someone familiar with the system. This took 7::49 total as compared to the 18 minutes above to teach it to you.

7:49 - The same process as above done a few weeks later with very little commentary.