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We have no cookies activated on our website, this support site, or any of our support sites. We have no user accounts for accessing our templates or educational information. In that sense, we've offered you the greatest level of privacy we can offer as a digital publisher of software and educational material given the platforms we've chosen for publishing which are currently Weebly for our primary website and Google Sites for our Support Sites.

With this Bookkeeping Template Solution (and all our Templates) we are not implying that your Google Drive is "private" in the truest sense, but it's about as private as you could hope for in the context of Cloud Computing.

With a Google Spreadsheet File and Google Script Project on your own Google Drive, your data and your personal information is only "semi-structured" as compared to a typical database, it is fully separated from us as the software publishers and educators, and it is fully separated from all other Google Users in an extremely important sense.

The Google Script Projects we provide make no calls outside your google drive to us or third parties, and we have no cookies activated on our primary website, this support site, or any of our support sites. Furthermore, we require no user accounts for accessing our templates or educational information on any websites.

We've offered you the greatest level of privacy we can offer as a digital publisher of software and educational material given the platforms we've chosen for publishing which are currently Google Workspace for our "Software", Weebly for our primary website, and Google Sites for our Support Sites.

When you use a Cloud Spreadsheet File Template to create your own Commercial Software in your own Google Drive, we call your data "semi-structured". Within your drive, Google could figure out how many times you mention a word, but they should have difficulty figuring out the context without breaching your privacy at a higher level which we believe goes beyond their scope of prying eyes.

Of even greater importance, your semi-structured data is totally and completely separate from the semi-structured data of any others who use the template on their own Google Drive or somewhere else. Thus everyone's data is not "queriable as a group" as it is in Software As A Service (SaaS) Solutions. That's what makes this so relevant and important as a solution that offers privacy at community level. This is the privacy part which most grossly overlooked during the rollout of SaaS solutions since the early 2000's.

Furthermore, our templates offer no automated updating functionality and there are no other types of scripting calls in our templates which breach the perimeter of your own Google Drive, making it as private as it can get in the Cloud.

As has been stated prior, if this doesn't offer the privacy you desire, then learn here and then convert the template to a local spreadsheet file for use on any spreadsheet platform of your choosing. Minor modifications may be required and the supplemental functionality provided by our Google Script Project will not work, but that added functionality could likely be reproduced in the platform of your choosing.

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The spreadsheet itself does not need to be authorized as there are no spreadsheet functions that can violate your privacy.

The functions you would want to look for in the GoogleScript projects that would violate privacy are those that make calls to other users or other websites behind the scense.

For programmers - there is a Google Script functions that works like curl (php) and winHTTP/winXML (asp) which has the ability to make calls behind the scenes any calls like that would need to be reviewed. We don't include any of those


If you choose not to authorize the internal and/or external google script project due to an unnecessary level of precaution, the following will be your experience:

  1. DIY1 Menu - This will not show up and none of the buttons in the template that call script will work .

  2. Drill Down Links - Our reports output transaction lists with links to the transactions themselves. Those links will work as long as the worksheet names in the original file are not changed. If those get changed those drill down links will no longer work for transactions on sheets where the sheet name changed. Nav1 must be updated with the script to get those to work and NAV1 Refresh requires the external/Unbound Google Script project to work too. .

  3. The Transaction Generator - This will not work without both the internal and external scripts authorized

If you were to authorize the internal Google Script Project only, which you can do by going into the Bound Project and manually firing a function that is fully self contained in the internals script project only, like the onOpen() that creates the DIY1 menu, that DIY1 menu will show up every time you open the file BUT few if any of the links on it would work b/c most rely on both the internal and external (bound and unbound) script project for full functionality.